Survey questions

  1. Which vowel sound do you pronounce in the word _been_?
  2. Do you pronounce “can” (meaning “be able,” as in “Yes, I can”) the same as “can” (the container, as in “tin can”)?
  3. Do you pronounce “cot” and “caught” the same?
  4. How do you pronounce “drawer” (what you keep silverware or socks in, not someone who draws)?
  5. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _either_?
  6. Does “father” rhyme with “bother?” (That is, is the first vowel pronounced the same in the two words?)
  7. How do you pronounce the vowel sound in _hurry_?
  8. Do you have exactly the same vowel in “mad” and “sad?”
  9. How do you pronounce Mary/merry/marry?
  10. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _miracle_?
  11. How do you pronounce _mirror_?
  12. How do you pronounce the vowel sound in _off_?
  13. How do you pronounce _orange_?
  14. How do you pronounce the first vowel sound in _either_?
  15. Do you pronounce _pen_ the same as _pin_?
  16. How do you pronounce _poor_?
  17. How do you pronounce _route_ (as in “the route from one place to another”)?
  18. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _sorry_?
  19. Do you pronounce an [r] sound, as in “rat”, in words like “bar” and “scar”?
  20. Do you have a consonant before the “ing” in “drawing”?
  21. How do you pronounce _human_?
  22. How do you pronounce _often_?
  23. How do you pronounce _singer_ (someone who sings)?
  24. How do you pronounce _tune_?
  25. Do you pronounce “which” and “witch” the same?
  26. How do you pronounce _younger_?
  27. If it’s 9:45 am, would you say it’s “(a) quarter to ten”, “quarter till ten”, or “quarter of ten”?
  28. What do you call the long cold sandwich that contains cold cuts, lettuce, and so on?
  29. Is the name different if it’s a hot sandwich? If you use the same name for this kind of sandwich whether it’s hot or cold, pick “I have no special word for this”; _only select another choice if you use a different name for the hot sandwich._
  30. What is your generic term for a sweetened carbonated beverage? (As in: “We have milk, beer, apple juice, and four kinds of …: Pepsi, 7Up, root beer, and ginger ale.”)
  31. What is your general term for carbonated water with no sweetener?
  32. What is your preferred term for the flat doughy things that you might eat for breakfast with syrup and butter?
  33. What do you call the wide shallow pan in which you fry things?
  34. What do you call the miniature lobster that one finds for example in lakes and streams (a crustacean of the family Astacidae)?
  35. What do you call the little gray creature (that looks like an insect but is actually a crustacean) that rolls up into a ball when you touch it?
  36. What do you call the large insect with a thin body and narrow wings?
  37. What is your _general_ term for the rubber-soled shoes worn in gym class, for athletic activities, etc.?
  38. What do you call a knit wool hat that you might wear to keep your head warm during the winter?
  39. What do you call the bag in which you might carry schoolbooks, or gear for a camping trip?
  40. What do you call the level of a building that is partly or entirely underground?
  41. What is your _general_ term for a big road that you drive relatively fast on?
  42. How would you refer to a U.S. Interstate highway, say Interstate 68, for instance if you were giving someone directions?
  43. What about a numbered state highway, or the equivalent?
  44. What do you call that piece of playground equipment that you climb to the top of and slide down?
  45. What do you call a destructive windstorm with a rotating column of air and a funnel-shaped cloud?
  46. What about the playground equipment that two people sit on opposite ends of so that one goes down when the other goes up?
  47. What is the distinction between dinner and supper?
  48. Is there a difference between “garbage” and “trash”?
  49. What temperature is “tea”?
  50. Would you say “I’m fixing to do that” to mean “I’m going to do that” or “I’m planning to do that”?
  51. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _again_?
  52. How do you pronounce _aren’t_?
  53. Do you pronounce the first vowel of “avenue” the same as the vowel in the first syllable of “travel”?
  54. How do you pronounce _bury_?
  55. How do you pronounce the vowel in _can’t_ (as in “I can’t do that”)?
  56. How do you pronounce the vowel in _catch_?
  57. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _coffee_?
  58. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _forest_?
  59. How do you pronounce the vowel in _frog_?
  60. How do you pronounce _crayon_?
  61. How do you pronounce _graham_ (as in the kind of cracker)?
  62. How do you pronounce _lawyer_?
  63. How do you pronounce _sure_?
  64. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _syrup_?
  65. How do you pronounce the vowel sound in _tour_?
  66. How do you pronounce _toward(s)_?
  67. How do you pronounce the vowel in _you’re,_ as in “I’m not in trouble, you’re in trouble.”
  68. How do you pronounce _eighth_?
  69. How do you pronounce _interesting_?
  70. How do you pronounce _palm_?
  71. How do you pronounce _strength_?
  72. How do you pronounce _vegetables_?
  73. How do you pronounce _vehicle_?</B>
  74. How do you pronounce the “th” in _with_?
  75. How do you pronounce the “th” in _without_?
  76. How do you pronounce _ address_ (the noun, as in “My address is 247 Front Street”)?
  77. How do you pronounce _adult_?
  78. How do you pronounce _ice cream_?
  79. How do you pronounce _research_?
  80. The Ferris wheel was fun, but the roller coaster was the … ride at the park.
  81. Would you say “Are you coming with?” as a full sentence, to mean “Are you coming with us?”
  82. How would you refer to standing with a long line of people waiting for something, as in “I had to wait … for tickets for two hours”?
  83. Do you say “green beans” or “string beans”?
  84. What do you call the little sweet pellets that you might put on ice cream?
  85. What do you call a hard candy on a stick?
  86. What do you call the sausage-like meat that you might eat on a bun with mustard and relish?
  87. What do you call the part of the kitchen sink that water comes out of?
  88. What do you call an enclosed structure that you park your car in, beside your house or attached to it?
  89. What is your *most general* term for a sale of unwanted items on your porch, in your yard, etc.?
  90. What do you call the place where you buy gasoline for your car?
  91. What do you call the large wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
  92. What term do you use to refer to something that is across both streets from you at an intersection (or diagonally across from you in general)?
  93. Which word do you use for laying claim to something (for instance, the last piece of pizza, or the most comfortable chair in front of the TV)?
  94. He used to nap on the couch, but he sprawls out in that new lounge chair anymore.
  95. I do exclusively figurative paintings anymore.
  96. Pantyhose are so expensive anymore that I just try to get a good suntan and forget about it.
  97. Forget the nice clothes anymore (referring to babies eating messily after a certain age)
  98. In speech, would you abbreviate the word “avenue” to “ave” (rhyming with “have” in the name of a street? (For example, “Follow Washington Ave to Main Street.”)
  99. Would you call a whole pizza “a pie”?
  100. Would you say “shut the lights” or “close the lights” to mean “turn off the lights?”
  101. How do you pronounce the third vowel in _Appalachian_?
  102. How do you pronounce _caramel_?
  103. How do you pronounce the vowel in _creek_ (a small body of running water)?
  104. How do you pronounce the vowel in _data_?
  105. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _Florida_?
  106. How do you pronounce the “or” in _forward_?
  107. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _flourish_?
  108. What vowel do you use in _milk_?
  109. What do you use for the final vowel in “Monday,” “Friday,” etc.?
  110. What do you use for the first vowel in _moral_?
  111. What do you use for the second vowel in _pajamas_ (or _pyjamas_)?
  112. What vowel do you use in “palm” (regardless of whether or not you pronounce the “l”)?
  113. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _treasure_?
  114. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _zero_?
  115. How do you pronounce the second syllable of _February_?
  116. How do you pronounce the “s” in _greasy_?
  117. How do you pronounce _hunter_?
  118. How do you pronounce the second consonant in _pumpkin_?
  119. Do you pronounce an [r] sound as in “run” in the middle of the word _theater_ (so it sounds like “thearter”)?
  120. We … out of the house.
  121. Which sounds the best to you out of the following options, to mean “the book that belongs to George and me”?
  122. Can you use “might could” to mean “might be able to” (as in “A private company might could fund a manned space program”)?
  123. What about “used to could” to mean “used to be able to” (as in “I used to could recite the entire poem from memory”)?
  124. What about “might can” (“You might can get bubble machines for your bathtub”)?
  125. What about “might would” (“He gave plausible reasons why this might would be so”)?
  126. Would you say “The house needs painted” to mean “The house needs to be painted?”
  127. When high school seniors go to the big formal dance at the end of the year, they go to —
  128. How do you pronounce _pecan_?
  129. How do you pronounce _mayonnaise_?
  130. What do you use to address a group of two or more people (as in, “what are … doing?”)?
  131. What do you call a drink made with milk and ice cream?
  132. Do you say “frosting” or “icing” for the sweet spread one puts on a cake?
  133. What do you call the little conglomerations of fried potato with breading on the outside that you might eat in a school cafeteria?
  134. What do you call an egg cooked without its shell in simmering water?
  135. What do you call the insect that flies around in the summer and has a rear section that glows in the dark?
  136. What do you call the long item of furniture with space for three or four people?
  137. What do you call the thing that you put pots and pans on to cook?
  138. What do you call the thing from which you might drink water in a school?
  139. What do you call a traffic situation in which several roads meet in a circle and you have to get off at a certain point?
  140. What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
  141. What do you call the act of covering a house or area in front of a house with toilet paper?
  142. What do you call the night before Halloween?
  143. What do you say when you see a Volkswagen Beetle, in the game in which when you see one of them, you punch the person next to you?
  144. What is it called when you intentionally do not go to school?
  145. What’s the name of the game where a bunch of children sit in a circle and another walks around the outside of the circle and taps them on the head?
  146. Do you watch television or look at television?
  147. Do you use the term “church key” to refer to something you can open containers with?
  148. What does _nauseous_ mean?
  149. What does “wait on” mean, as in “We’re waiting on you”?
  150. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _bouquet_?
  151. How do you pronounce _bag_?
  152. What is a mango_?
  153. How do you pronounce the vowel in the second syllable of _cauliflower_?
  154. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _Chicago_?
  155. How do you pronounce the last vowel in _Missouri_?
  156. How do you pronounce _mobile_, the noun referring to the kind of toy with a bunch of hanging decorations that you hang above a baby’s crib?
  157. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _Nevada_?
  158. How do you pronounce _Oregon_?
  159. How do you pronounce _squirrel_?
  160. How do you pronounce _vase_?
  161. How do you pronounce the last consonant in _Chinese_?
  162. How do you pronounce _coupon_?
  163. How do you pronounce the second “c” in _electricity_?
  164. How do you pronounce the word for the frozen treat that’s shaped like a popsicle or creamsicle but solid chocolate? (Please answer according to how you pronounce the word, not how you think it should be spelled.)
  165. How do you pronounce _else_?
  166. How do you pronounce _height_?
  167. How do you pronounce _quarter_?
  168. How do you pronounce _Caribbean_?
  169. How do you pronounce _TV_ (the abbreviation for television)?
  170. She … into the pool
  171. How do you pronounce the “a” in _Colorado_?
  172. How do you pronounce _era_ (an age or epoch)?
  173. How do you pronounce the vowel in _roof_ and _root_?
  174. How do you pronounce the vowel in _room_ and _broom_?
  175. How do you pronounce _almond_?
  176. If you’re standing with a long line of people waiting for something, and someone moves into the line ahead of you, what is the word for what they’re doing?
  177. Do you use the term “red velvet cake” to refer to a particular kind of dark red chocolate cake with white frosting?
  178. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _apricot_?
  179. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _dandelion_?
  180. How do you pronounce the name of the red sauce that you might put on french fries? (Please answer according to how you pronounce the word, rather than how you think it should be spelled.)
  181. How do you pronounce the word _poem_?
  182. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _scallop_?
  183. How do you pronounce _veteran_?
  184. Do you pronounce an “l” sound in the word _both_?
  185. How do you pronounce _English_?
  186. How do you pronounce the “x” in _exit_?
  187. <B>How do you pronounce the final consonant in _garage_?
  188. How do you pronounce _herb_?
  189. Do you pronounce “idea” with an “r” sound as in “run”?
  190. How do you pronounce the middle consonant in the name _Joseph_?
  191. How do you pronounce the second consonant in _mature_?
  192. Do you pronounce the word _once_ with a [t] on the end, so that it rhymes with “(Kirsten) Dunst”?
  193. How do you pronounce _sherbet_?
  194. How do you pronounce _wash_?
  195. How do you pronounce _ballet_?
  196. How do you pronounce _cream cheese_?
  197. How do you pronounce _details_ (the noun, as in “tell me the details”)?
  198. How do you pronounce _police_?
  199. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _children_?
  200. She … like a stone.
  201. Which sounds the best to you out of the following options, to mean “the apartment that you guys live in?”
  202. What do you think of the sentences “I wish I would have gone to law school instead of getting a job,” and “I wish Sabrina would have stayed in Paris”?
  203. Is the following sentence OK in your speech: “Who do you think that, according to your best guess, is the tallest person here?”
  204. Do you call the activity of spreading your legs as far as possible so that they form a single straight line “doing a split” or “doing the splits”?
  205. American bikes are different than Japanese bikes.
  206. What do you call the sweetish-tasting, orange-colored, potato-shaped vegetable?
  207. What do you call those round yellow beans that hummus is made of?
  208. What do you call the soft white lumpy-looking cheese made of curds of skim milk?
  209. What might you call a food item including, for example, noodles, tuna fish, and peas, all baked together in a deep dish?
  210. What do you call the rubber things that you put on over your shoes to keep them dry?
  211. What do you call the small room in a house just inside the front door?
  212. What do you call a store where liquor is sold?
  213. What do you call a road that has only one exit?
  214. What is the name of the black stuff that roads are made from?
  215. What would you call going to the central commercial area of the city or town you live in (or near)?
  216. What do you call the thing with two long wings that contains the seeds of a maple tree and spins as it falls?
  217. When you give a teacher your completed homework assignment, do you pass it in, hand it in, or turn it in?
  218. What do you call it when everyone else piles on top of one person and presses them to the ground?
  219. In the winter, if you wanted to go out to slide down snowy hills, you’d say, “Let’s go …!”
  220. What do you call the level of school that children attend from roughly age 6-11?
  221. What do you call the paper container in which you might bring home items you bought at the store?
  222. What do you call the bag that a woman might carry around, containing her wallet, keys, makeup, and so on?
  223. How do you pronounce the plural of _house_?
  224. How do you pronounce the plural of _knife_?
  225. How do you pronounce the plural of _leaf_?
  226. How do you pronounce the plural of _wife_?
  227. How do you pronounce the plural of _dwarf_?
  228. How do you pronounce the plural of _bath_?
  229. Would you say “where are you at?” to mean “where are you?
  230. What do you call the kind of spider (or spider-like creature) that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
  231. What do you call the usually flesh-colored or semi-transparent article that women often wear on their legs?
  232. If you’re cleaning your dirty clothes, what are you doing?
  233. What do you call the large rodent _Marmota monax_?
  234. What do you call the thing you wear in the winter to keep your head warm that’s shaped like a sock that you pull over your head and neck with a hole cut out for your eyes or face?
  235. What do you call an article of clothing, often made of denim, that covers the legs and part of the torso (but not the arms) and is held up by straps over the shoulders?
  236. What do you call a low chest of drawers or cabinet in a dining room?
  237. What word do you use for a public toilet facility?
  238. What do you call a large multilevel covered structure in which you can pay to park your car?
  239. Do you cut or mow the lawn or grass?
  240. What do you call the area of grass between the sidewalk and the road?
  241. What’s the name for the brake in the car that’s not under your foot?
  242. Which of these terms do you prefer for the small road parallel to the highway?
  243. What do you call a train that stops at all stations on its route (i.e., the opposite of an express)?
  244. When you are cold, and little points of skin begin to come on your arms and legs, you have-
  245. What do you call the game wherein the participants see who can throw a knife closest to the other person (or alternately, get a jackknife to stick into the ground or a piece of wood)?
  246. How do you pronounce the “u” in _manufacture_?
  247. How do you pronounce the “nd” in _sandwich_?
  248. Do you say “spigot” or “spicket” to refer to a faucet or tap that liquid comes out of?
  249. How do you pronounce the first consonant in _street_?
  250. How do you pronounce _talk_ and _walk_?
  251. How do you pronounce _cement_?
  252. How do you pronounce _preferable_?
  253. Would you say “a historic event” or “an historic event”?
  254. She … in the pool
  255. I … her lifeless body from the pool
  256. The data I collected yesterday … interesting
  257. If you are going to do something on Saturday or Sunday, when might you say you are going to do it?
  258. Do you say “smoke up” or “smoke out” to refer to smoking marijuana?
  259. If your stomach is upset, would you say you feel “sick to your stomach” or “sick at your stomach”?
  260. What do you call the food item that consists of a lump of oily bready stuff, which you might eat with powdered sugar at a fair or carnival?
  261. What do you call the device that you use to spoon hard ice cream out of a carton?
  262. What do you call the room in a house where you have chairs, coffee tables, and so on, and sit and talk with guests?
  263. What do you call the channels along the edge of the roof of a house for carrying away rainwater?
  264. What do you call the area of grass that occurs in the middle of some streets?
  265. What do you call the long narrow place in the middle of a divided highway?
  266. Which word do you use to refer to the edge of a road (where you might pull over to, for instance, if a policeman stopped you for speeding)?
  267. What do you call a car in which you have to step on the clutch and fiddle with a lever to change gears?
  268. What do you call the compartment in front of the passenger seat in a car, where you might keep maps or the like?
  269. What do you call the game you might use to settle a dispute, in which a closed fist loses to a flat hand, a flat hand loses to two fingers, and two fingers loses to a closed fist?
  270. If you want to go to see filmed entertainment projected on a large screen, are you going “to the show” or “to the movies”?
  271. What do you call the container with a handle that you might use to transport water?
  272. What do you call a set of 52 playing cards?
  273. What do you call a secure box that you can rent in a bank to store your valuables in?
  274. What does the word _spendthrift_ refer to?
  275. Would you use “goat” in the sense of a someone you blame a failure on (for instance, calling someone who has just lost the big game “the goat”)?
  276. Would you call coleslaw “slaw”?
  277. Would you say “stoop” to mean “the front steps of a building, where the front door opens onto the sidewalk”?
  278. How do you pronounce _anti-_, as in as in “anti-social” or “anti-Communist?”
  279. How do you pronounce the third vowel in _anybody_?
  280. How do you pronounce the vowel in _egg_?
  281. How do you pronounce _Louisiana_?
  282. How do you pronounce _medieval_?
  283. How do you pronounce _nuclear_?
  284. How do you pronounce _ruin_?
  285. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _tournament_?
  286. How do you pronounce the second consonant in _Baptist_?
  287. How do you pronounce the last consonant in _blouse_?
  288. How do you pronounce the first consonant in _Chicago_?
  289. How do you pronounce _comfortable_?
  290. How do you pronounce _familiar_?
  291. How do you pronounce the “c” in _grocery_?
  292. What term do you use for a single eyebrow that spans both eyes and connects above the nose?
  293. What do you call the activity of driving (or skidding) around in circles in a car?
  294. What do you call the gooey or dry matter that collects in the corners of your eyes, especially while you are sleeping?
  295. What do you call the item you put in a baby’s mouth to stop him or her from crying?
  296. What do you call the person who serves the ball in a game of foursquare?
  297. What do you call the game where you have to putt a golf ball into a hole, usually maneuvering around obstacles like windmills, stakes, and so on?
  298. What do you call the little wire-and-paper things that you might use to tie a garbage bag shut?
  299. What do you call the kind of big wooden matches that you can strike anywhere?
  300. When a small sharp fragment of wood gets stuck in your finger, you have a —
  301. What is a spa?
  302. What is a waterbug?
  303. Would you use the term “hose pipe” to refer to a garden hose with which you might water your lawn?
  304. Would you say “tump over” to mean “fall over” (when something isn’t balanced, for example)?
  305. What do you call the imaginary person or hobgoblin used to threaten children and make them behave? (Please answer according to how you pronounce the word, rather than how you think it should be spelled; but watch out for the fourth choice)
  306. How do you say err (meaning “to make a mistake”)?
  307. <B>How do you pronounce _girl_?
  308. <B>How do you pronounce the first vowel in _Illinois_?
  309. <B>How do you pronounce _jaguar_?
  310. <B>How do you pronounce the first vowel in _radiator_?
  311. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _sausage_?
  312. How do you pronounce _always_?
  313. How do you pronounce the first vowel sound _really_?
  314. How do you pronounce the “c” in _associate_?
  315. How do you pronounce _candidate_?
  316. How do you pronounce the last consonant in _molasses_?
  317. Do you pronounce _picture_ and _pitcher_ the same?
  318. How do you pronounce _wolf_?
  319. How do you pronounce _cigar_?
  320. How do you pronounce _Detroit_?
  321. How do you pronounce _finance_?
  322. How do you pronounce _New Orleans_?
  323. <B>How do you pronounce _perfume_ (the noun, as in “that perfume smells odd”)?
  324. How do you pronounce _Thanksgiving_?
  325. What is the opposite of “Let’s go to the park”?
  326. If you’re the one who always buys the groceries, which of the following ways of saying so sounds best to you?
  327. All’s you have to do is sit back and relax.
  328. If you have a dollar bill and need coins instead, would you ask for “change for a dollar” or “change of a dollar”?
  329. Which sounds better: “I don’t have any cash to hand right now” or “I don’t have any cash at hand right now”?
  330. What do you call food that you buy at a restaurant but then eat at home?
  331. What is the name for a container of ice cream that contains stripes of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry?
  332. What do you call the bready stuff that you might serve with, or in, a roast turkey?
  333. What do you call the insect that looks like a large thin spider and skitters along the top of water?
  334. What do you call a drive-through liquor store?
  335. What is your generic term for a small store that sells lottery tickets, cigarettes, possibly liquor, etc.?
  336. What do you call a narrow passageway between buildings in the city?
  337. How do you pronounce _niche_?
  338. What do you call a traffic jam caused by drivers slowing down to look at an accident or other diversion on the side of the road?
  339. What’s your general term for the light at an intersection that turns green and red and regulates traffic?
  340. Which of these terms would you use to mean “make a u-turn”?
  341. What do you call a patch of ice on a roadway that is nearly invisible (or just looks like water on the road) and is very slippery?
  342. What do you call paper that has already been used for something or is otherwise imperfect?
  343. What do you call a small hard rubber ball that is designed to bounce really high?
  344. What you call the game with two bases and a person at each base, wherein one or more other people try to run from one base to the other without being tagged out?
  345. What do you call a gift-giving process in which every member of a group is randomly selected to give a small gift anonymously to some other member of the group?
  346. What’s the difference between a supermarket and a grocery store?
  347. What does “hook up with someone” mean?
  348. What is “regular coffee”?
  349. Do you use the word “fortnight”?
  350. Would you use “shotgun” to refer to the front passenger seat of a car, or the person sitting there?</>
  351. How do you pronounce the last vowel sound in _centaur_?
  352. How do you pronounce _corner_?
  353. How do you pronounce the vowel in the second syllable of _experiment_?
  354. How do you pronounce _forehead_?
  355. How do you pronounce _going_?
  356. How do you pronounce _tomato_?
  357. Do you pronounce the word “across” as “acrost”?
  358. How do you pronounce the word “ogle” (or “oogle”), meaning “to gawk at someone in a lustful way”?
  359. How do you say the first half of “vice versa”?
  360. How do you pronounce the vowel sound in _clique_ (meaning a narrow and exclusive social group)?
  361. How do you pronounce the second consonant in _amateur_?
  362. How do you pronounce _ask_?
  363. How do you pronounce the “s” in _asphalt_?
  364. How do you pronounce _badminton_?
  365. How do you pronounce the word for the thing that carries smoke from a fireplace out through the roof? (Please answer according to how you pronounce the word, not how you think it should be spelled.)
  366. How do you pronounce the “z” in _citizen_?
  367. How do you pronounce the “x” in _example_?
  368. How do you pronounce _excerpt_?
  369. How do you pronounce _execute_?
  370. How do you pronounce _fulfilling_?
  371. Do you pronounce the final “s” in “Illinois”?
  372. How do you pronounce the middle consonant in _nauseous_?
  373. How do you pronounce _recognize_?
  374. How do you pronounce the final consonant in _Texas_?
  375. How do you pronounce _Big Mac_?
  376. How do you pronounce _insurance_?
  377. Even though I’m afraid to use electrical appliances in the bathroom, this morning I … my hair.
  378. Would you say “I’ll not do that” to mean “I won’t do that”?
  379. What do you call the end of a loaf of bread?
  380. What do you call the end of a loaf of bread?
  381. Do you say “twisty fries” or “curly fries”?
  382. What is your most generic term for the longish crunchy cheesy corn snack that leaves bright orange powder all over your fingers?
  383. What do you call a small keg that holds about five liters of beer?
  384. What do you call what happens when you eat ice cream too fast and it makes your head hurt?
  385. Do you use any word for moths (i.e., the kind of insect that may look like a small, dusty butterfly and is attracted to lights) other than “moths”?
  386. What do you call the garment you might wear around your neck when it’s cold outside?
  387. What do you call the bunch or knot into which a woman might gather her hair, either in back or on top of her head?
  388. What do you call a big soft chair that has a reclining back and a pop-up footrest?
  389. What do you call a lane of a highway or freeway that’s restricted to cars with multiple people in them?
  390. What name do you use for a game in which one player throws a ball against a wall, and everyone else has to try to catch it when it bounces back, or not get hit by it?
  391. What do you call the athletic activity where you run from one end of the gym/field/court one quarter of the way to the other end, and back, and then halfway across and back, then three quarters of the way and back, and then all the way to the other end and back?
  392. What do you call the wheeled contraption you push a baby around in?
  393. What do you call the thing with a wheel at the front and two handles at the back that you lift and push to move heavy loads?
  394. What do you call someone who is the opposite of pigeon-toed (i.e. when they walk their feet point outwards)?
  395. What is a cruller?
  396. What is a skyway?
  397. Do you use the term “bear claw” for a kind of pastry?
  398. Would you use the word “hella” to mean “very” (as in: “I’m hella busy this week”)?
  399. Would you use “leave” to mean “allow”, as in “Leave her finish her homework before you turn on the TV”?
  400. Would you use the term “smoke-up” to refer to a kind of report on a student’s progress that a teacher might write?
  401. Would you use the word “spendy” to mean “expensive”?
  402. How do you pronounce _appreciate_?
  403. How do you pronounce _donkey_?
  404. How do you pronounce the last vowel sound in _genuine_?
  405. How do you pronounce the last vowel sound in _handkerchief_?
  406. How do you pronounce _iron_?
  407. How do you pronounce the word for a public laundry facility? (Please answer according to how you pronounce the word, rather than how you think it should be spelled.)
  408. How do you pronounce _poinsettia_?
  409. How do you pronounce _sewer_?
  410. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _short-lived_?
  411. How do you pronounce “their”/”there”/”they’re”?
  412. How do you pronounce the first vowel sound in _whooping_ (as in “whooping cough”)?
  413. What about the word “whoop” (or “whup”), meaning “beat” (as in, “I’m gonna whup your ass”)?
  414. How do you pronounce the “s” in _absurd_?
  415. How do you pronounce the “s” in _crimson_?
  416. How do you pronounce _et cetera_?
  417. How do you pronounce the last consonant in _licorice_?
  418. How do you prononce the “ch” in _machinations_?
  419. How do you pronounce the “s” in _nursery_?
  420. How do you pronounce the first “s” in _resources_?
  421. Do you say _supposably_ or _supposedly_?
  422. How do you pronounce _display_ (the noun, as in “Look at this display”)?
  423. How do you pronounce _umbrella_?
  424. If you want Mary to make sure that James calls you, would you say “Have him call me” or “Have him to call me”?
  425. Would you say “so don’t I” to mean “so do I” (as in “Do you like fish sticks?” “Yeah.” “So don’t I!”)?
  426. Which sentence is acceptable?
  427. I know you think I broke your favorite vase intentionally, but I swear I did it ….
  428. Do you say “vinegar and oil” or “oil and vinegar” for the type of salad dressing?
  429. What do you call a warm chocolate drink?
  430. What do you call the sandwich made of loose ground beef (not a patty) in sauce on a bun?
  431. What do you call a long breakfast pastry with icing and possibly a filling?
  432. What do you call the drink made by mixing Kool-Aid with grain alcohol?
  433. What do you call the drink that’s made by mixing together all the soft drinks you have (Coke, 7Up, root beer, and so forth)?
  434. Which term do you use for a small harmless striped snake?
  435. Which of these terms might you use for a short-brimmed soft cloth cap?
  436. Which of these terms do you prefer for the tall container in your kitchen in which you might throw away, for example, waste from cooking?
  437. What about a small container that you might keep under your desk for the same purpose?
  438. What do you call the appliance in the kitchen for keeping food cold? (As in, “Put the milk in the…”)
  439. What do you call a glass building for growing plants in and keeping them warm?
  440. What do you call the activity of coughing up and spitting out a ball of mucus and saliva?
  441. What do you call the activity of holding onto the rear bumper of a car when it’s snowing and sliding behind the car on your feet?
  442. What do you call the activity of rolling up all the windows in a car and smoking marijuana inside it?
  443. What do you call the big clumps of dust that gather under furniture and in corners?
  444. What do you call the box you bury a dead person in?
  445. What do you call stuff that you put on your skin to prevent sunburn?
  446.  I had some extra cash secreted away in a hidden pocket of my jacket.
  447. Is there a difference between a prank call and a crank call?
  448. Do you use the word “dungarees” to mean “jeans” (as in denim pants)?
  449. Would you say “my bad” to mean “my mistake” or “I’m sorry”?
  450. Would you say “sleep in” to mean “stay in bed late” (as in, “I didn’t have to go to work today, so I slept in”)?
  451. How do you pronounce the third vowel in _academia_?
  452. How do you pronounce the vowel sound in the name _Craig_?
  453. How do you pronounce _dais_ (meaning a raised platform)?
  454. What do you call the particular activity that consists of flicking spit at someone with your tongue?
  455. How do you pronounce the name _Joel_?
  456. Do you say “mischievous” or “mischievious”?
  457. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _prestigious_?
  458. How do you pronounce _realtor_ (meaning a real estate agent)?
  459. How do you pronounce the second vowel in _Semitic_?
  460. How do you pronounce _triathlon_?
  461. How do you pronounce the last vowel sound in _turbine_?
  462. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _zoology_?
  463. How do you pronounce the “th” in _aesthetic_?
  464. How do you pronounce the “ph” in _amphitheatre_?
  465. How do you pronounce _anecdote_ (the word meaning “a brief and amusing story”)?
  466. How do you pronounce the “s” in _anniversary_?
  467. How do you pronounce _asterisk_?
  468. How do you pronounce _diphthong_?
  469. How do you pronounce _emu_?
  470. <B>How do you pronounce the “s” in _emulsion_?
  471. How do you pronounce _exactly_?
  472. How do you pronounce the last consonant in _expertise_?
  473. How do you pronounce the “c” in _foci_?
  474. How do you pronounce the “ph” sequence in _haphazard_?
  475. How do you pronounce the “x” in _luxury_?
  476. How do you pronounce the “sch” in _maraschino_ (cherry)?
  477. How do you pronounce the “th” in _posthumous_?
  478. How do you pronounce the “s” in the last name of Elvis Presley?
  479. How do you pronounce _similar_?
  480. How do you pronounce _sinusitis_?
  481. How do you pronounce the “s” in _visa_?
  482. How do you pronounce _New Haven_ (the city in Connecticut)?
  483. Yesterday I … in the backyard
  484. By the time they arrived at the party I … all the Courvoisier.
  485. Do you say “in this analysis” or “on this analysis” (as in “in this analysis, we expect that stock prices should rise next year”)?
  486. Do you say “all of a sudden” or “all of the sudden”?
  487. Do you have a general term for dark-colored carbonated beverages, like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, and so on?
  488. What is your preferred term for a dog that doesn’t belong to any particular breed?
  489. What is the narrow stretchy thing that women use to tie their hair?
  490. Do you use any of the following terms to refer to a certain kind of white t-shirt? Plase use the comments box to describe more completely exactly what kind of shirt it refers to.
  491. What do you call it when a driver changes over one or more lanes way too quickly?
  492. What is “the City”?
  493. What do you call the container you put your eyeglasses in?
  494. What do you call someone whose eyes do not move in sync with each other? (If you use some of these terms with a different meaning from this one, please mention it in the comments box.)
  495. What do you call someone who plays the flute?
  496. What do you call the area between the genitalia and the rectum?
  497. What do you call a potbelly on a woman?
  498. What do you call an easy class at school or college?
  499. What do you call stuff you rub on your hands to prevent skin dryness?
  500. What do you call the pillow-type thing with two arms that you might put behind your back when you’re reading in bed?
  501. What do you call the large spring clip that women put in their hair?
  502. What do you call the cylindrical things that women put in their hair to curl it?
  503. What would you call it if you were going to cook a meal (like hamburgers and hot dogs) outside?
  504. Can you use the word _wicked_ as an intensifier, as in “that concert was wicked good?”
  505. What do you call the large, bright black and yellow wasp with a long thin waist and long slender legs that is usually seen when it stops by a puddle to collect mud, which it then rolls into a ball and carries off to construct a nest?
  506. Is there a difference between a buzzard and a vulture?
  507. What do you call the kind of large brown nut/seed that is about the size of a golf ball and has tiny spines growing out of it? (It is produced by the tree Aesculus hippocastanum.)
  508. What do you call the game played with small paddles that one uses to hit a golf ball-sized hollow white ball over a net placed in the middle of a green table?
  509. What do you call the stuff you throw into a giant container that is then picked up once a week or so by a large public truck and put in a dump?
  510. What do you call the activity of holding a short rope, one end of it in each hand, swinging the rope in a circle above and below you, and jumping over it each time it reaches your feet?
  511. Which of the following elements of meaning does the word _swarthy_ contain for you?
  512. What is a _bonus room_?
  513. What do you call the breakfast pastry that consists of spiraled sweet bread dough and cinnamon and covered in gooey icing/frosting?
  514. What do you call the public outdoor area in which people can park their cars?
  515. What do you call sudden, temporary sensations of heat predominantly experienced by some women during menopause?
  516. What do you call a point that is of no significance or relevance?
  517. What do you call an event held for a pregnant woman with her female friends, typically involving the giving of presents for use with the baby?
  518. What do you call a party held for a woman with her female friends when she is about to get married?
  519. What do you call the slender insect with delicate membranous wings that has an aquatic larval stage and a terrestrial adult stage usually lasting less than two days?
  520. What do you call this large, slender-bodied fly of the family Tipulidae, which looks like a large mosquito but doesn’t bite?
  521. Which of the following terms would you use to refer to improvising, or making something for temporary emergency use? Example: “The survivors of the wreck …ed some fishing gear.”
  522. What do you call the bus used to take special education students to and from school?
  523. What is smegma?
  524. How do you pronounce _necklace_?
  525. What do you call the chest muscle?
  526. What do you call the citrus fruit that looks like an orange but is smaller and more sour?
  527. What do you call the orange citrus fruit that is a hybrid of an orange variety and a grapefruit, and is typically large and orange, with a small protrusion on the stem end?
  528. Do you say _especially_ or _expecially_?
  529. Which of the following would you use in the sense of “cool, fancy”?
  530. What do you call any cheap merchandise with a company’s name or logo on it used for marketing purposes?
  531. How do you pronounce _dwarf_?
  532. How do you pronounce the word _gook_, meaning ‘a thick messy substance’?
  533. Do you say “for all intents and purposes”, or “for all intensive purposes”?
  534. What do you call the dessert product consisting of a hockey-puck-shaped piece of chocolate cake with a frosted chocolate shell and stuffed with creamy white filling?
  535. Is the sentence “I’ve gotta get this room yet” acceptable in your speech, in the sense of “I still have this room left to do”?
  536. What do you call the room in a house that is normally used for relaxation and/or relaxing activities such as TV watching, or recreational activities?
  537. Do you call someone who is annoying and persistent “pesky”, or “pesty”?
  538. Which of the following terms would you use to refer to a woman of loose morals?
  539. How do you pronounce the word meaning a re-broadcast of a TV-show episode that has already aired before?
  540. What is a “Mexican shower?”
  541. Can you use “whenever” in the sense of “when”, as in “whenever you get on the bus tomorrow morning, who are you going to sit with?”? (Said by a mother to her child on the night before his first day of school. She knows his bus is coming at exactly 8 AM, so she is not using “whenever” to express an indefinite time.)
  542. If a person or situation is getting worse quickly, is it going to hell in a handbasket, or in a handbag?
  543. How do you pronounce _aunt_?
  544. How do you pronounce the first vowel in _envelope_ (the thing you mail letters in)?